
This module provides facilities for preparing a library of methods to be exposed via the RPC.

The library creation can happen in several ways:

  • Using a MethodsRegister decorator, to register a bunch of stand-alone functions
  • Usinng a MethodsObject to expose all the methods in a given object (instance). This is especially useful if you need to expose methods from an object instance, ie. you need to share some state.

Base for the Method Register objects

This class provides an abstract of the methods that can (and should) be exposed by a methods register object.

class smartrpyc.server.register.MethodsRegisterBase[source]

Base for the Method Register objects.

This class provides an abstract of the methods that can (and should) be exposed by a methods register object.


List all the supported methods


The most important method, returning the appropriate method to be called.

register(func=None, name=None)[source]

Only used for registers supporting changes

Methods register

class smartrpyc.server.register.MethodsRegister[source]

Register for methods to be exposed via RPC. Mostly a wrapper around a dict.


methods = MethodsRegister()

def my_method(request, arg1, arg2):

def my_other_method(request, arg1=123, arg2=None):

methods.register(func=func, name='test')

# then pass methods to the Server() constructor
register(func=None, name=None)[source]

Refer to class docstring

Params func:Callable to register
Params name:Basestring to use as reference name for func
store(name, function)[source]

Method used to finally register a function.

Params name:Functions lookup name
Params function:
 Callable function

Methods object


I don’t like the name and I think I’ll change it soon.

class smartrpyc.server.register.MethodsObject[source]

Objects wrapper register.

This is a “wrapper” register, that automatically exposes all the methods contained in the object passed to the constructor.
